The Blog and the Blogger

I love watching movies, because I love finding something deeply familiar in something seemingly new.


And while movies certainly provide visual stimulation, it is our empathy with the people in them that gives them lasting resonance. It is for this reason that I love watching films from across the globe, because through them, we’re able to transcend our individuality, even if just for a second, and connect to a common humanity.

After moving back to the United States from India, I started regularly watching Indian films as a way to better understand the country I had lived in, to add context to my memories. Since starting, I’ve watched many movies and added many lenses through which to reflect on my experiences. Some of them owe their shapes to the romances of Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, others to the car chases of Dhoom, and others still to the dialogues of Anurag Kashyap. The list goes on and on, and with each film I watch, I add new lenses to the pile.

Importantly, what started as a project of self-reflection has since settled comfortably back into a more universal passion, watching movies, because movies are awesome! But I still like to think about what they can tell us, especially about our increasingly globalized world.

And so, as a testament to my love for the movies, and my particular interest in the cinema of South Asia, I have started Scene the World. For those new to the region’s cinema, I hope to introduce you to its films and trend, and to those familiar, I hope to offer a new perspective. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook!